The FIMBA GB +55 Women had their first solo training session, post-ESBA Euro-championships in Portugal in June, over the weekend of 9/10th September at RAF Cranwell.
This first session linked lessons from the previous season to the intent of the forthcoming one, whilst also starting the process of integrating new players transitioning from the +50 team and welcoming any other players that wanted to join. Three of the transferees from the +50s were present as well as a welcome returnee in Helen Mailloux, who has had a year away from the squad.
The sessions over the 2 days focused on learning lessons from the Portugal tournament to improve technical aspects of general offensive play and to also introduce a new offence that is hoped to create more opportunities at the next FIMBA European Championships in Italy next June. The players all committed fully to the activity and seemed to gain much from the technical analysis and structured offence work, laying solid foundations for improved competitiveness for the coming season.
The next session will revise the new offence and work in more detail on defensive teamwork and special situations. Our biomechanics consultant, Martin, reviewed all of the players and was impressed with progress, meaning we are collectively in a better physical state than this time last year. Martin is keen to progress personal plans to working on strength and conditioning for specific basketball movements to support our intent to bring home silverware this season!
This season’s focus is on retaining the positives from last season while making some small changes to make marginal gains where possible to give ourselves the best possible chance of success.
The next session is at the Kirkby Leisure Centre, just North of Nottingham; 14th October 2-5pm, 15th October 10-1pm. Any players born in 1969-1965 (or earlier) are eligible to try out for the squad. Selection will be after the November session which is back at RAF Cranwell on 18/19th November. Any new players that are interested, please contact for more information.